Here are some photos of a garden in Clapham that I replanted. A thick layer of farmyard manure was applied to all the raised beds to keep the moisture in the soil. Plants chosen for the sunnier border included Corylus avellana 'Contorta' (twisted willow) and Rosa Princess Alexandra of Kent which I chose because it has unusually large, strongly fragrant, fully-double, pink blooms and it flowers twice. Shade tolerant plants such as Euphorbia amygdaloides var. robbiae and Helleborus x hybridus 'Pink Lady' were added as shown on right hand side photo.
The front of the house was given kerb appeal with some matching grey contemporary polystone pots. The half standard olive creates a wispy evergreen barrier between the pavement and the house. Trachelospemum jasminiodes ( Star jasmine) heavily scented and evergreen was planted up a trellis near the front door with some white pelargoniums.